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Changes at "Do platforms always enhance e-participation as a peculiar way to participate? "

Avatar: Stefano Sotgiu Stefano Sotgiu

Title (English)

  • +Do platforms always enhance e-participation as a peculiar way to participate?

Body (English)

  • +<xml><dl class="decidim_awesome-custom_fields" data-generator="decidim_awesome" data-version="0.11.0">
  • +<dt name="text-1714747956243-0">Hypothesis</dt>
  • +<dd id="text-1714747956243-0" name="text"><div>When not supported by a clear, specific and well designed process, platforms can turn out to be superficial, bureaucratic, non inclusive, non accountable </div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1714747947319-0">Context</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1714747947319-0" name="textarea"><div>Italy, Sardinia Region</div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1714747993772-0">Case Studies/Examples:</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1714747993772-0" name="textarea"><div>
  • +
  • +;amp;locale=it&amp;amp;participatory_process_slug=Sardegna2030</div></dd>
  • +<dt name="text-1718180319686-0">Primary Question: State the main question your hypothesis aims to answer</dt>
  • +<dd id="text-1718180319686-0" name="text"><div>Are digital platforms alone capable to generate a peculiar and more inclusive way to effectively participate to public decisions? There have to be more to assure a real, different kind of participation</div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1718180392889-0">Assumptions</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1718180392889-0" name="textarea"><div>Platforms are capable to generate a peculiar, more widespread and inclusive kind of participation</div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1714747978532-0">Collaboration</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1714747978532-0" name="textarea"><div></div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1714748028099-0">Methods</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1714748028099-0" name="textarea"><div>Qualitative and quantitative analysis </div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1718180478189-0">Expected Outcomes:  Describe the expected results if the hypothesis is correct.</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1718180478189-0" name="textarea"><div>Platforms don't perform in terms of better and more widespread participation when participatory design is poor.</div></dd>
  • +</dl></xml>


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