Do platforms always enhance e-participation as a peculiar way to participate?
- Hypothesis
- When not supported by a clear, specific and well designed process, platforms can turn out to be superficial, bureaucratic, non inclusive, non accountable
- Context
- Italy, Sardinia Region
- Case Studies/Examples:
- Primary Question: State the main question your hypothesis aims to answer
- Are digital platforms alone capable to generate a peculiar and more inclusive way to effectively participate to public decisions? There have to be more to assure a real, different kind of participation
- Assumptions
- Platforms are capable to generate a peculiar, more widespread and inclusive kind of participation
- Collaboration
- Methods
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis
- Expected Outcomes: Describe the expected results if the hypothesis is correct.
- Platforms don't perform in terms of better and more widespread participation when participatory design is poor.