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Changes at "Fostering digital participation that is margin-responsive"

Avatar: Sonia Bussu Sonia Bussu

Title (English)

  • +Fostering digital participation that is margin-responsive

Body (English)

  • +<xml><dl class="decidim_awesome-custom_fields" data-generator="decidim_awesome" data-version="0.11.0">
  • +<dt name="text-1714747956243-0">Hypothesis</dt>
  • +<dd id="text-1714747956243-0" name="text"><div>Co-design with groups historically suffering from intersectional barriers to digital access and skills can make these platforms more responsive to their needs and increase their participation</div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1714747947319-0">Context</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1714747947319-0" name="textarea"><div></div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1714747993772-0">Case Studies/Examples:</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1714747993772-0" name="textarea"><div>Mindset Revolution? Although not sure whether this is a success case yet, as participation on the platform is quite low</div></dd>
  • +<dt name="text-1718180319686-0">Primary Question: State the main question your hypothesis aims to answer</dt>
  • +<dd id="text-1718180319686-0" name="text"><div>Can co-design with marginalised groups strengthen the inclusiveness and adaptability of digital participatory platforms? What are the challenges?</div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1718180392889-0">Assumptions</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1718180392889-0" name="textarea"><div>Co-design can shed light on limitations of current designs that raise barriers to participation.
  • +
  • +Current platform design is often driven by technocratic and instrumentalist understanding of participation, which makes it vulnerable to be captured by technology of governance and develop into technopopulism - see "How Can Democracy-Driven Governance Turn into Technopopulism?: Arguing on the Case of Ahora Madrid", Fabiola Mota Consejero and Cristina Herranz</div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1714747978532-0">Collaboration</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1714747978532-0" name="textarea"><div>Inspire Pilots; MR team in Manchester</div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1714748028099-0">Methods</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1714748028099-0" name="textarea"><div>Co-design and participatory research to enable participants to self-assess their experience</div></dd>
  • +<dt name="textarea-1718180478189-0">Expected Outcomes:  Describe the expected results if the hypothesis is correct.</dt>
  • +<dd id="textarea-1718180478189-0" name="textarea"><div>More flexible, adaptable and inclusive/ culturally sensitive platforms that can amplify community action for social change</div></dd>
  • +</dl></xml>


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